Bachelor Health Science (Naturopathy)

Naturopaths are experts in whole health and wellbeing, and provide evidence based natural health care that is effective, safe and meaningful to their clients. Through an in-depth understanding of human bioscience, emotional and social factors, and as prescribers of natural medicine, Naturopaths are able to help prevent disease, provide optimal health and wellbeing and relief of symptoms by treating the whole person and the root causes of disease.

Career Opportunities

Many naturopaths work independently in private practice, setting their own hours and developing and managing their own businesses.

Naturopaths in clinical practice can also choose to work in multidisciplinary clinics with other health care providers who share overhead costs, provide mutual support and cross refer patients or clients. While many naturopaths conduct a general practice, others may develop a particular area of interest such as women’s health, infertility, complex chronic diseases, cancer support, children’s health, autoimmune diseases, environmental medicine, men’s medicine, autism spectrum disorder, allergies or digestive disorders.

Naturopaths regularly appear in the media as subject matter experts, write articles for professional journals. Naturopaths also work in natural product companies formulating new products, conducting literature research, performing technical writing and providing product support.

Naturopaths can also pursue post graduate study and are eligible to enrol in Endeavours Honours Program. Laboratory, clinical and public health areas of research including investigations of plants, effectiveness and safety of naturopathy and the impact of naturopathy on public health are popular areas of interest.

Study Mode Face-to-face on campus with selected subjects available online.

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